"The body is a God given vehicle. We must take good care of it and use it to serve Humanity. This is the purpose of our birth on Earth."

Mother Mangalam


Project Planning

The world has suddenly been struck with a phenomenon unknown. There’s pain and sorrow that is putting everybody, big or small, rich or poor, into a state of an *EQUALIZER*. Every person is affected and is vulnerable to this wrath which is in the form of a virus.

The Order from the Government of Malaysia for a lockdown or Movement Control Order has put Malaysians in a dilemma, but the importance of restricted movement is necessary.

The Pure Life Society known for its history of relief work together with
-Hindu Dharma Mamandram
-Global Hindu Federation
-Tara Foundation
-Sri Narayani Foundation -United Malaysia Hindu Voice together with
-Sri Sundaraja Perumal Temple, Klang and
-Sri Ayyaneswarer Temple, Jalan Genting Klang, KL
came together and mobilised its resources to help the needy.


Project Excecution We Are Always Improving

The Project is called *PROJECT MOTHER*, starting 23 March 2020, 12000 meals were cooked over a period of 8 days at the premise of the Pure Life Society. Volunteers from the various NGOs helped. Screening recipients carefully. Loads of foodstuff, vegetables and essentials poured from all over Malaysia to assist the needy, the sick and the elderly.

Effective 30th March, the consortium carries on with the work of giving provisions to families affected, including those who are daily wage earners battling with limited resources to feed their families.

Your help and support will go a long way. The moment of EQUALISER has arrived. Helping each other is the way. ...Stay safe.

Pure Life under lockdown during covid 19

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